Alcohol can interfere with the effects of some diabetes medicines, putting you at risk for low blood sugar or high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), depending on how much you drink and what medicine you take. Exercise can also increase the risk of hypoglycemia when coupled with other factors, such as drinking alcohol. Doctors strongly encourage people with diabetes to engage in regular physical activity because it reduces blood sugar. However, exercising, drinking alcohol, and taking blood sugar-lowering medication could cause hypoglycemia.

diabetes and alcohol

This can cause a host of symptoms, from thirst and frequent urination to slow-healing wounds and disorientation. But even those who have type 2 diabetes who take medication may be vulnerable to hypoglycemia unawareness, even though their blood sugar levels are more likely to skew high than low. When blood sugar levels dip too low, the liver converts glycogen into glucose. This glucose is released diabetes and alcohol into the bloodstream to bring levels up to normal. Depending on the severity of your diabetes and other related health considerations, it may be a good idea to quit or limit your use of alcohol, as alcohol has a big effect on your blood sugar levels. Regardless of which type of alcoholic drink you choose, remember that it’s not just sugar that interferes with your blood sugar management.

Can people with diabetes drink alcohol?

There are certain pills for diabetes, such as sulfonylureas, that work by telling the pancreas to keep making insulin all the time. Normally this is a great thing, but if you aren’t eating anything or if your liver isn’t making any glucose because it is busy cleaning out the alcohol, your blood sugar can drop pretty quickly. Talk to your physician about the pills that you are taking and if it is safe to drink with them. A review of previous studies concluded that clinical teams remain the primary educators for young adults with type 1 diabetes regarding alcohol and its potential harms [22].

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Type 2 diabetes and alcohol is not always a beneficial combination. The problem is that the liver cannot perform both functions at the same time. When a person consumes alcohol, the liver begins to break it down. When it is busy doing this, it does not release stored carbohydrates to maintain blood sugar, meaning that blood sugar levels can drop to dangerous levels. However, excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), liver disease, and more. If you never or rarely drink alcohol, you’re not alone—in fact, people with diabetes drink about half as much as other adults.

Is Alcohol-Induced Diabetes Treatable & Reversible?

This happens because the liver stores carbohydrates and releases them into the blood between meals and overnight to stabilizes blood sugar. The liver is also responsible for breaking down alcohol so the kidneys can flush it out of the body. Alcohol is a depressant that impacts how your brain communicates with your body. If you have a history of depression or depressive symptoms, drinking alcohol can worsen your condition. If you take Glucophage (metformin), drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can increase the risk of a rare condition called lactic acidosis when lactic acid builds up in the bloodstream. Drinking alcohol in moderation has also been linked to a number of other health benefits, such as increasing the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood.

People with diabetes can carry glucose tabs in case of an emergency, and they should check their blood sugar levels regularly. They should also remember that some diabetes medications may not work if they consume too much alcohol. Regarding alcohol and diabetes, blood-sugar-reducing medications, such as insulin, increase the risk of low blood sugar, and alcohol increases the risk.

Types of Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes, which in most cases develops in people over age 40, has a somewhat different pathophysiology than type 1. People with type 2 continue to produce insulin in early disease stages; however, their bodies do not respond adequately to the hormone (i.e., the patients are resistant to insulin’s effects). Thus, insulin does not lower blood sugar levels to the extent that it does in people without diabetes. For example, obesity, inactivity, and cigarette smoking may worsen genetically determined insulin resistance. When the liver is cleansing the body of alcohol, it can be overloaded if you drink more than it can process. For people with diabetes, that is very dangerous because the liver helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

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